Water-based lube vs. Oil-based lube

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Lube — it comes in all flavours, smells, consistencies, and more; however, it is often difficult to know which lube is right for your vaginal area, as well as which ones to definitely avoid. Therefore, we have listed some of the main differences between water-based lubricants and oil-based lubricants to make this decision easier for you.

But first, what lube NOT to use…

As brilliant as it seems to have an all singing all dancing lube, with exciting flavours, smells, and tastes, you really can be causing yourself unnecessary pain further down the line. Some lubes can disrupt your vaginal microbiome, causing symptoms including: itchiness, redness, burning, UTIs, thrush, burning, and other uncomfortable conditions. Here are a few tips and tricks to look out for:

  • The less ingredients the better
    • This means they are less likely to contain harmful chemicals including parabens and petrochemicals
  • No flavours or smells
    • these contain sugar, which can lead to yeast infections

Water-based lubricants

  • Pros
    • Easy to remove
    • Doesn’t stain
    • Less likely to cause vaginal irritation
  • Cons
    • Dries out quickly so doesn’t last as long
    • Can have a bitter taste
  • Generally good for:
    • Those who have more sensitive vaginal health, or a imbalanced vaginal microbiome, specifically those with community state-types 3 and 4 (for more information on what community state-types are, as well as what this means for your health, click here)

Oil based lubricants

  • Pros
    • Feels smooth
    • Lasts for a long time
    • Good for massages
  • Cons
    • Can clog pores
    • Can stain sheets
    • Is more difficult to remove
  • Generally good for:
    • While water-based lubricants are generally better for your overall health, if you have a more stable vaginal microbiome (click here for more information on this), then you may use oil-based lubricants, as they tend to be easier to use during intercourse (although not so much afterwards).

At the end of the day, which lubricant is right for you, should you choose to use lubricant at all, is completely up to you. ScreenMe always encourages you to consider what you use in your vaginal area, as this has implications for much of your sexual health and wellness. We hope this helps give you some guidance, and head over to the rest of our blog for more advice on everything women’s health!

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⤷ Water-based lube vs. Oil-based lube

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