Tips for ovarian health

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For part of ovarian cancer awareness month, we at ScreenMe have brought together a few tips to reduce your risk. We understand it can be overwhelming to know what the right thing to do is, so we hope this helps! 


Of course, lifestyle has a huge influence on your risk of developing ovarian cancer. So, a few tips include: 

  • Avoid smoking
  • Minimising alcohol consumption 
  • Exercising regularly


Again, diet and nutrition is so vital for your health — it makes sense that what you put into your body every day has an impact.  A few tips for better ovarian health in general include:

  • Vitamin D rich foods — are vital in regulating muscle function and keeping the body functioning healthily. 
    • Eggs 
    • Beans 
    • Nuts 
  • Vitamin A rich foods — these help with the healthy production of eggs
    • Carrots 
    • Dark leafy greens 
    • Sweet potatoes 
    • Milk
  • Selenium rich foods — this mineral is a great anti-oxidant which protects against oxidative damage
    • Meat 
    • Shellfish 
    • Brazil nuts 
    • Whole wheat bred 

  • Vitamin C rich foods — are brilliant at activating the immune system, which protects against cancer and other diseases
    • Red peppers 
    • Oranges
    • Strawberries
    • Broccoli

Oral contraceptives 

Studies have shown that women who have taken the contraceptive pill are less likely to develop ovarian cancer. 

However, there are a lot of other effects of taking the contraceptive pill, so you should definitely weigh up all of your options and speak to a healthcare professional before deciding whether this is the right thing for you. 

Have a look at our blog on the contraceptive pill here

Avoid carcinogens 

Many products contain carcinogens, endocrine disruptors and other nasty chemicals. Therefore, it is best to avoid these as much as possible. 

It is best to really have a look at all of the products that you use from deodorant, makeup, and any other products you use in your day-to-day. 

Head over to our Health Shop to see products that have been approved by our team of experts!

Speak to someone 

Ultimately, you know what is normal for your body and what is not. If you notice a change in your periods, weight, or other health markers, then it is important to speak to a healthcare professional. 

GPs are always a great first point of call, however we at ScreenMe are also always here to listen to your concerns and provide expert, scientific advice. Book a consultation with one of our experts here

It is important to not feel afraid of speaking to a healthcare professional. For so long women’s pain has been minimised and dismissed — but we at ScreenMe are here to listen.

ScreenMe are here for you and your health at every stage of life. We provide education, information, testing and support from an expert team and caring community. 

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⤷ Tips for ovarian health

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