How does my PCOS affect my vaginal health?

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1 in 10 people with a vagina in the UK have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). This is where the ovary’s function have been affected, with the main features being: 

1/ Excess androgen 

2/ Polycystic ovaries — whereby your ovaries are enlarged and have multiple follicles 

3/ Irregular periods 

Despite increasing work on PCOS symptoms, types (see our blog on PCOS types here), causes, treatment and more — there is little work being done on the effect that PCOS may have on vaginal health and the vaginal microbiome. 

Women with PCOS have already been identified as being at greater risk of a range of diseases including, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. In addition to this, research is increasingly indicating that women with PCOS are more likely to have less protective vaginal microbiomes — this includes both:

  1.  an increased risk of vaginitis,
  2. higher vaginal microbiome diversity.

So what could this mean? (and what to do about it)!

We would firstly recommend for all those struggling with their vaginal health to test their vaginal microbiome. Our ScreenMe is the most comprehensive & effective in the market including: 

  • FREE 1:1 consultation with an expert online 
  • 100% of bacteria screened using NGS technology
    • Rather than simply testing for selected strains of bacteria as seen in culture and PCR tests 
  • 99.9% accuracy
    • Is the most accurate test on the market 
  • Bespoke plan made
    • Inc. nutrition, lifestyle, supplement & products recommendations 
  1. Vaginitis 

What is it 

  • This is the soreness and swelling in and around the vagina

What can be done?

  • Primarily we would recommend speaking to a health professional, who can give you specific advice that is relevant to your symptoms.
  • Use a vaginal moisturiser. This can help to soothe and reduce swelling — however it is crucial to make sure what you put near your genital area is actually helpful and not harmful! Check the label to make sure it is as natural possible, free from chemicals, fragrances and other additives. Take a look on our shop to see products that ScreenMe health experts have approved and love! 

2. Higher vaginal microbiome diversity 

See also  Infertility facts you should know

What does this mean?

  • High vaginal diversity is associated with a less protective environment. This has been associated with a range of negative impacts including: 
    • Higher risk of preterm birth 
    • Greater risk of infections such as: STDs, UTIs, thrush, HPV & more 
    • Higher risk of miscarriage 

What can be done? 

  • Vaginal diversity and the vaginal microbiome as a whole can be improved through changes. However, prior to making any large changes we would highly recommend speaking to a healthcare professional — you can speak to your GP, or speak to one of our experts here at ScreenMe. 
  • We offer a free consultation as part of our Vaginal Health Packages, therefore if you want to understand your vaginal health and be guided through beneficial changes, then this is for you. 
  • Some general tips for good vaginal health include: 
    • Not wearing tight clothing (like gym leggings) all of the time 
    • Wearing cotton underwear 
    • Being mindful of what products you use near or on your genital area 
    • Using a good quality, vaginally friendly lubricant  

We hope this has helped those struggling with their vaginal health and/or PCOS to understand that there are changes that can be made and people who can assist you on your journey to balancing your vaginal microbiome. You are not alone and ScreenMe is here to provide you with the information, understanding and scientific advice to optimise your health and wellbeing for years to come. 

If you need any further help or support please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 

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⤷ How does my PCOS affect my vaginal health?

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