Take control of your intimate health.

Screen 100% of bacteria & yeast in your vaginal microbiome or semen microbiome

How ScreenMe helps?



Scientific, natural solutions from experts

We provide actual answers. Each plan includes a NHS doctor’s report, 1:1 consultation(s), nutritionist report, tailored food and recipes, recommended supplements & much more.


Covering all stages of a woman's life

ScreenMe offers a range of plans so you can find one that matches your individual symptoms, needs & goals.
This means that as you change, we change with you.




Personalised care and products

We know that everyone is different. That is why our reports, plans, recommendations & support are tailored just for you. Offering a free consultation with every test, we listen to you as an individual.


Care Types


Vaginal & Sexual

Your vaginal microbiome is linked to risk of UTIs, BV, thrush, STDs, HPV infection, cervical cancer, fertility, vaginal symptoms including dryness & itchiness, and much more!

Period, Hormonal & Gut Health

Period, Hormonal & Gut

Understand your menstrual cycle, balance hormones naturally, manage PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis, gut health, weight, libido & other health concerns.

Fertility Health

We guide you through your own fertility journey. Whether you want to know about your reproductive health, are going through IVF, struggling with miscarriage, or have other fertility concerns.

Fertility Health

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Know everything you need to optimise your and your child's health. ScreenMe guides you from pregnancy, through birth, to post-partum support.



Whether you have just started experiencing peri-menopausal symptoms, or have reached post-menopause; ScreenMe offers specific care, empowering you to be your very best.


Men's Health

Gain insight into your health. Whether you are interested in nutrition & wellness, fertility, or sexual health; we have you covered.

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Inna Duckworth

Registered Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, MSc,, mANP, mGNC

Jessica Childs

Nutritional Therapist, Bsc Msc

Specialist Consultations

Unsure of which test is right for you, or want extra support?
Book a consultation with one of our expert intimate health practitioners.

How can ScreenMe help Women?

How can ScreenMe help Men?

How We Work

What We Cover


% Pathogenic bacteria

yeast bacteria


Some of our Success Stories

"I had an amazing experience with ScreenMe. The service was prompt and professional. They helped me track my nutrition through my pregnancy and advised on how to boost certain nutrients- linked both to my personal profile and my foetus’ developmental needs at different stages. I had a healthy pregnancy and baby girl. The midwives noted how large and healthy my placenta was and I put this down to the invaluable advice and guidance I received from ScreenMe."

"Knowledgeable experts who give simple yet effective day to day advice to help you get healthier. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in trying to get healthier in the long run, beyond what is available via doctors/online."

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Sample report

See what your report could tell you about your vaginal health!

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Description: Don't want do tests but want to get support from our team of experts? This is the way in for you.