Chronic fatigue syndrome and hormonal imbalance

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Taking care of your physical and mental health has become more and more critical in our busy everyday life. Millions of people experience insomnia, fatigue, problems with concentration and other symptoms that affect their everyday life. If you have recently begun to notice low energy levels or feel tired after resting or sleeping, maybe it is not just a symptom of working too much. The problem could be more profound.

We hope that this article will help you find out more about the possible roots of your fatigue, and demonstrate ways to overcome it.

What is chronic fatigue syndrome / Myalgic encephalomyelitis?

Chronic fatigue syndrome, or Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), is a long-term condition with several symptoms. The most common symptom is extreme tiredness.

In general, fatigue is an ongoing and persistent feeling of weakness, tiredness, and low energy level, even after adequate sleep. The imbalance in the body’s energy levels is a consequence of different causative agents of the disease. Sometimes it is believed that the process of ageing is typically accompanied by fatigue. However, that is not always true. 

Causes of fatigue can include physical or emotional stress, depression, anxiety, dehydration, poor nutrition, excessive caffeine, lack of exercise, anaemia, metabolic abnormalities, many illnesses or infections and hormone imbalance.

ME/CFS can affect anyone, even children. Women in their 20s – 40s suffer from it most often. If you belong to this group and experience the symptoms, we advise you to check your nutrition, health and hormonal balance, as a proper diagnosis could mean a clear path towards treatment and improved quality of life. 

Symptoms of chronic fatigue

According to NHS, the most common symptoms are:

  • feeling extremely tired all the time — you may find it very hard to do daily activities;
  • still feeling tired after resting or sleeping;
  • long time to recover after physical activity;
  • Insomnia or waking up often during the night; and
  • problems with thinking, memory and difficulties in concentration.
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Some people with ME/CFS may also have other symptoms, including:

  • muscle or joint pain;
  • headaches;
  • a sore throat;
  • feeling dizzy or sick;
  • fast or irregular heartbeats.

From day to day, or even within a day, symptoms can vary.

The symptoms of ME/CFS are similar to the symptoms of some other illnesses, so it’s essential to visit your doctor to get a correct, and timely, diagnosis.

Causes of Chronic fatigue and Myalgic encephalomyelitis

There are currently no proven causes for ME/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is believed that there is a genetic component and that some people have a predisposition for chronic fatigue. 

While you cannot control your genetics, you can control some other factors that could be potential triggers:

  • Viral infections – Epstein-Barr, herpesvirus six and certain forms of leukaemia viruses;
  • Impaired immune system;
  • Hormonal imbalances; and
  • Poor nutrition.

With ScreenMe, you can get an in-depth look at your nutritional and hormonal levels, get a tailored nutrition plan and consult with the experts all in one package

Hormones and fatigue

Hormones control the release of energy at the cellular level. That is why a hormonal deficiency or imbalance can cause fatigue. Specifically, melatonin, thyroid and adrenal hormones regulate our energy levels. 

Is it difficult for you to sleep well all night? It might be worth checking your hormones. It may be that with some easy tips and tailored vitamins or supplements you will feel more energetic in the morning and throughout the day.

Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiencies can also cause hormonal imbalances. It is especially true for high-carbohydrate diets and people who reduce the number of healthy fats they eat.

The easiest way to make sure you are on top of your health and nutrition, as specifically required by your own unique biology, is a complete bespoke nutrition check. We can help you get a tailored nutrition plan based on your blood results and provide you with recipes and meal recommendations that will work for you.

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Anxiety and irritability are not the best feelings. If people around you complain about your irritability occasionally, maybe the problem is in your progesterone level. The declining level of this hormone can be the reason for the anxiety you experience.

And for men, testosterone plays a vital role in a man’s energy production. Therefore men with low testosterone can feel less energetic, sluggish, and depressed. Apathy and fatigue are on this list as well. Physical activity requires more effort, and recovery takes longer with declining testosterone. Therefore, men commonly tend to exercise less and feel more tired. Night sweats, leading to poor sleep and daytime fatigue, can be signals to pay attention to your partner’s hormonal level.

If you or your partner feel any of the symptoms we mentioned, get a free first consultation to understand how to improve your nutrition and life quality. You don’t have to live with the discomfort of feeling tired when there could be a simple solution.

Remember, you deserve more energy!

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⤷ Chronic fatigue syndrome and hormonal imbalance

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