Compositional and functional differences of the vaginal microbiota of women with and without cervical dysplasia
Published: 2024
What was studied?
This study investigated the composition & function of vaginal microbiomes.
They compared the vaginal microbiomes of 177 women who have cervical dysplasia to 177 of women who do not.
Cervical dsyplasia = precancerous changes in the cervix.
Vaginal microbiome diversity & cervical dysplasia:
The study found that those with cervical dsyplasia, tended to have a more diverse vaginal microbiome [a greater variety of different species present].
This was often paired with both a decrease in relative amount (%) of Lactobacillus species [the ‘good’ bacteria], and an increase in relative amount of anaerobic bacteria such as Gardnerella and Aerococcus.
The study also found that those with cervical dysplasia were more likely to have microbial communities that are active in pathways associated with inflammation.
This may therefore link such microbial communities with the progression of dysplasia. Therefore, suggesting the vaginal microbiome may play a part in creating an environment for cervical cancer development.
Findings therefore suggest that the vaginal microbiome may play a role in the development and/or progression of cervical dysplasia.
This is really interesting when investigating potential therapeutic interventions and biomarkers for early detection.

Jessica Hobbis