4 tips to enjoy sex more during perimenopause & menopause

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One of the first symptoms most women notice in perimenopause which goes on to menopause is the changes in their vulva and vagina! These changes can have a huge impact on sexual health and pleasure. So let’s talk about a bit about what happens to women’s bodies as they go through perimenopause and menopause and discuss some tips on how women overcome some of these obstacles and enjoy sex more after menopause!

How does menopause impact your vagina and sex life?

As your body begins it’s journey towards menopause you go through a stage called perimenopause. At this stage of your journey your ovaries start to produce less and less estrogen untill you eventually stop having periods all together. Perimenopause can sometimes take 8 years before you officially stop having periods.

The dropping of estrogen levels during perinemopause has many impacts on your body including:

  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Weight gain
  • Vaginal dryness and thinning
  • Increase risk of vaginal infections

The combination of these symptoms very often lead to women finding sex less pleasarable. However there are things you can do that can help tackle these symptoms and make sex more pelasurable.

Tips to increase sexual pleasure in menopause

Going through perimenopause and menopause does not mean your sex life or intimate relationships need to end. You can be proactive about the changes your body is going throgh and help control symptoms.

1. Talk to your partner about your discomfort: One of the most common symtoms of menopause is vaginal dryness and pain and this can cause painful and unpleasant sex. For sex to be pleasurable your partner needs to know about your discomfory and help you address the pain.

Here are some ways you and your partner can tackle painful sex:

  • Increase foreplay
  • Use vaginally friendly lube
  • Speak to a specialist for treatment

Talking to your sexual partnr about your symptoms and your experience can help reduce stress and put you both on the same page.

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2. Rediscover your intimacy: If you are at a stage where you feel penetrative sex is just not possible but you still desire intimacy that’s ok! there are many ways to enjoy an intimate relationship without penetrative sex.

Some example include:

  • Oral sex
  • Role play and games
  • Erotic interactions on the phone or over messages

Being more adventorous in your sex life during this period can help strenghten your relationship and find pleasure in intimacy and sex in new and exciting way.

3. Get your vaginal flora tested: As your hormone levels reduce your vaginal microbiome changes increasing in pH and becomes more prone to imbalance and growth of disease causing bacteria, STDs and yeast. By having yoru vaginal mcirobiome tested you can find out exactly what is happening in your vaginal flora and work to rebalance your vaginal ecosystema and reduce risk of infections and discomfort caused by imbalance.

ScreenMe’s comprehensive vaginal microbiome test allows screening of all bacteria and all yeast with a single swab. Learn more

4. Explore treatment options: Speaking to your doctor or a menipause health coach can help you take control of your symptoms and reduce the impact of them on your sex life as well as other aspects of your life. Some treatment options include:

  • Hormonal therapy
  • Estrogen creams
  • Medication
  • Nutritional support
  • Physiotherapy

By understanding your body and receiving more insight into the changes that you are going through menopause does not need to be something that changes your life for the worst and takes pleasure out of intimacy. With the right support and plan you can go on to enjoy sex and intimacy irrespective of your age.

At ScreenMe you can book a consultation with a menopause health coach who will help guide you in how to take control of your symptoms and experince a better menopause through tailored lifestyle and nutrition plans, recommended supplements and support. Book now

See also  7 ways to boost your sexual health & wellbeing, today

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⤷ 4 tips to enjoy sex more during perimenopause & menopause

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