6 female supplements for conceiving

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Preparing to become parents can be the most wonderful and exciting period of your life but it can also be a time of anxiety and uncertainty. It’s not a secret that this journey needs some preparation. One of the most important things is taking care of your health. Getting enough nutrients and vitamins will support your healthy pregnancy and boost your chances of conception. Although a healthy diet is the key, supplements can help ensure you get enough vital nutrients.

Fertility supplements

Here we’ve collected the list of the most effective vitamins for women. According to gynecologists’ opinions, regular appropriate intake of these supplements may help you to get pregnant easier and lower risks of pregnancy.

Folate to increase fertility 

One of the most popular supplements for future moms is folate (natural form) or folic acid (synthesized form). Taking it during pregnancy also reduces the risk of neural tube defects for the baby. 

Folate has a positive impact on fertility health, so it is always a good idea to have. The usual prescription is taking 400 micrograms of folic acid daily if you are trying to conceive. And when there will be two hearts inside of you, it is necessary to take 400 micrograms of folate a day untill you are at least 12 weeks pregnant. .

Vitamin E to help your skin, nails and fertility

Vitamin E is well-known as a beauty supplement. It’s often recommended to reduce wrinkles and improve the quality of your skin and nails. The reason is quite simple: vitamin E works to repair cells. That is why it is used to boost your fertility in a natural way. In addition vitamin E can help increase fertile cervical mucous. So whether you are actively trying to conceive or just starting to think about it, you may benefit from taking Vitamin E. However, ensure that you do not exceed a dose of 200IU. 

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Vitamin D to increase fertility and cheer you up

Vitamin D is extremely important even if you do not want to get pregnant in the near future. Living in a country with little sun or having a lifestyle that limits enough exposure to sunlight can negatively affect your fertility. 

Why is Vitamin D so important? The answer is very simple – it is essential for the development of healthy hormones. 

These days it’s common to be Vitamin D deficient.. If you are often in a bad mood or do not have enough energy, you might need more Vitamin D. But do not worry, you can make all the necessary tests and get recommendations here.

Selenium to have a healthy pregnancy

Sometimes Selenium is called a super-vitamin for pregnancy”, because of its antioxidant powers. Deficit of Selenium may be the reason for miscarriages and damage of the nervous system of your future baby. 

The common recommended daily allowance for selenium is 55 mcg before pregnancy and 65mcg once you are pregnant.. You can get  Selenium by eating certain foods. With ScreenMe you can get tailored nutrition including all the vitamins you need.

Fish Oil to minimize infertility risks

Fish Oil or Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in some products, such as mackerels, salmon, walnuts and flax-seed. It is added to the list of fertility supplements because it contributes to the healthy development of future baby’s brains. And for the future moms it can increase egg quality and increase your chances to conceive. Deficit of this element can cause infertility, that is why we recommend paying attention to the food matrix. The Minimum recommended daily dose is 300 mg and can be increased by your gynaecologist. 

Coenzyme Q10 to increase chances after 40 and in those with PCOS

Coq10 is included in the list of supplements for conceiving, because of its ability to optimise egg quality and thicken the uterine lining. Daily recommended doses depend on your age and health, but will usually vary from 150 to 600 mg.

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If you are over 40 and trying to get pregnant, we have good news for you here. In one study it was shown that Coenzyme Q10 restores oocyte mitochondrial function and fertility during reproductive aging.

One more group of patients for whom Coq10 is essential is women with PCOS. If you have received this diagnosis, read this article

We understand that taking control of your hormones and picking right supplements and dosages are not the easiest thing. But do not worry, ScreenMe can support you during this journey. We collect all the necessary tests and provide you with expert consultations all in one package.

And if you are interested in getting all the necessary vitamins and micro-elements from the food, we have a personalised nutrition plan to maximise your fertility.

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⤷ 6 female supplements for conceiving

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