Cytolytic Vaginosis – what you need to know & what you can do about it

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Cytolytic vaginosis is an overgrowth of Lactobacillus in the vaginal microbiome.

Like much of women’s health — there is little publicly known about this condition, which affects many women, who often suffer in silence with symptoms such as vaginal dryness, painful sex or vaginal burning — so we are here to put an end to that and start to close the gender knowledge gap!

What does this mean?

The optimum pH of the vagina 4.0 — 4.5, which Lactobacilli bacteria maintain by producing lactic acid. Maintaining a balanced pH and microbiome is crucial in protecting vaginal health, including protecting against reoccurring UTIs, BV, STDs, HPV infection, thrush, and more. If you would like more information on the importance of the vaginal microbiome in your health — please click here.

However, when there is an overgrowth of Lactobacilli bacteria, there is therefore an overproduction of lactic acid, making the vaginal environment too acidic. This irritates the cells of the vaginal wall, therefore leading to uncomfortable symptoms. Those with cytolytic vaginosis often have a pH of between 3.5 and 4.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of cytolytic vaginosis are very similar to thrush and can include:

  • Burning sensation — which often worsens when you wee
  • Pain during, or after sex
  • Vaginal itching
  • Increased yellow or white discharge that isn’t fishy smelling

What can I do about it?

  • Test
    • Many women with cytolytic vaginosis believe they have thrush, due to the similar symptoms. However, if your thrush test is coming back negative from your GP, and you are not responding to thrush medication, then it is more likely that cytolytic vaginosis is the cause of your symptoms instead of thrush.
    • You can test for overgrowth of Lactobacillus through a NGS (Next generation sequencing) vaginal test which screens the entire vaginal flora for all bacteria and all yeast— At ScreenMe we have made this Vaginal Health test. available to all women. This comes with a free consultation, so you can discuss with our experts your symptoms and goals, to construct a plan that best suits you.
  • Cause of cytolytic vaginosis
    • Scientists are still to identify why some women suffer from cytolytic vaginosis; however, it is thought that often the root of cytolytic vaginosis is hormonal.
    • Cytolytic vaginosis tends to be cyclic, as the food supply relies heavily on oestrogen to stimulate glycogen. This means symptoms will get worse at certain times of your menstrual cycle when oestrogen is high.
  • Products
    • Some products are likely to disrupt your natural vaginal pH balance. These include particular soap, feminine products, perfumes, lubricants, and just about anything you put near your vulva. This is why it is really important to use unfragranced products that don’t disrupt your natural balance.
    • If suspecting you or found out that you have cytolytic vaginosis you should avoid use of vaginal probiotics rich in lactobacillus.
  • Lifestyle
    • Do not wear tight clothes all of the time.
    • Use cotton underwear
    • Change out of wet clothes as soon as possible — this includes gym wear!
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For more information of the vaginal microbiome and how it impacts your fertility, sexual health, menopause, and more — check out the rest of our blog!

If you want to know more about your Vaginal Heath and start to take control of your health — check out our Vaginal & Sexual Health Testing Kits.

We hope this has helped, and we look forward to continuing to help women get the knowledge they need about their own bodies!

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⤷ Cytolytic Vaginosis – what you need to know & what you can do about it

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