What is the Semen Microbiome – (& why does it matter?)

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The semen microbiome is the composition of bacteria present in the seminal fluid and is primarily comprised of different types of Lactobacilli including: pseudomonas, prevotella, gardenlla, corynebacterium, staphylococcus, streptococcus. The composition of this (percentage of each type) in each microbiome varies between individuals and can be affected by a range of things including intercourse, infection and inflammation. 

Different relative amounts of different bacteria in the semen microbiome can have a range of different impacts on your health. Certain species of bacteria are more protective against infections including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, BV related bacteria as well as other sexually transmitted infections such as ureaplasma. Whereas, other bacteria species are less protective, meaning it is more likely for an infection or pathogens to establish themselves in the semen microbiome.  

Therefore it is when there are low % of ‘good’ bacteria, and high % of ‘bad’ bacteria present, then your semen microbiome is said to be in dsybiosis.

This is dependent on the type of semen microbiome test that you use. 

  1. A semen culture test 
  • Tests for specific types of bacteria
  • This tests whether bacteria are there or not – this does not tell you the relative amounts of bacteria species present

2. A semen PCR test 

  • Tests for a panel of specific bacteria
  • Higher accuracy than a culture test 

3. A semen NGS test 

  • This is the most accurate test (99.9% accuracy) 
  • Is limited to testing only bacteria which can grow on the culture medium
  • This screens all of the bacteria present in the semen microbiome, so gives you full picture of the ecosystem as well as allowing identification of organisms not included in other methods. 

Screening of your semen microbiome using NGS (next-generation-sequencing) technology examines 100% of the bacteria and yeast present in your microbiome. This gives the relative amounts of every single bacteria and yeast species present, so you can get the complete picture of what is in the seminal fluid ecosystem. 

See also  Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) & your vaginal microbiome.

Those with specific symptoms should definitely test their microbiome tested in order to identify and rebalance their semen microbiome. These symptoms include:

  • Fertility concerns 
  • Recurrent infections in them or their partner
  • Pain after sex
  • Pain urinating 
  • Unpleasant smell
  • Abnormal discharge

Standard semen culture tests or PCR methods only show specific strains of bacteria and therefore are not a complete picture of your microbiome. Therefore, if these tests have not found the root of your problem, then a full NGS semen microbiome test is much more likely to highlight what the exact issue is.

Further, those who are struggling to get pregnant, are going through IVF or have abnormal sperm parameters, we would recommend getting a semen (and vaginal) microbiome test. Particularly for those who are struggling with successful implantation and miscarriage, without a known cause. 

In short, yes. Once you have discovered the composition of your microbiome, including the presence and abundance of bacteria species present; you can set about making changes to rebalance. Of course, this is dependent on your results, however some generally good tips for good semen microbiome quality include antibiotics followed by probiotics, nutrition, and lifestyle. 

If you have any further question or would like further support, then email us at support@screenme.co.uk

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⤷ What is the Semen Microbiome – (& why does it matter?)

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