What does the colour of my discharge mean?

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Are you unsure what the colour and consistency of your discharge means? Keep reading.

  • Indicates an infection. 
  • We would urge you to get tested and seek medical help. 
  • As Leaving infections such as STIs untreated can lead to a whole host of issues including, fertility concerns, chronic pelvic pain, and PID 
  • Indicates bleeding. 
  • If this is on or around your period, then this is normal and a sign of menstruation. 
  • If you have inconsistent bleeding throughout your cycle, then we would recommend speaking to a healthcare professional to get this checked out 

Clear / White 

  • This indicates usual discharge. 
  • It is completely normal to have discharge if this is not accompanied with uncomfortable sysmptoms such as itching or a foul smell

White / cottage cheese like 

  • This is usually indicative of a yeast infection, otherwise known as thrush. 

If you are curious or concerned about your vaginal health, then screen 100% of bacteria & yeast present with ScreenMe’s Vaginal Microbiome Test. This gives you a comprehensive understanding of what is going on, combined with a free 1:1 consultation with a practitioner to discuss your results and create a bespoke plan of action!

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⤷ What does the colour of my discharge mean?

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