Discover Your Vaginal Health With Vaginal Microbiome Test Kit.


Trusted By Thousands of Users

What We Screen For?

Rather than testing for just a limited list we screen for ALL good bacteria, harmful bacteria and yeast. So instead of guessing what’s going on we can tell you!


ALL Lactobacillus
Protective bacteria. We screen for ALL Lactobacillus species

Known to be protective in the reproductive tract keeping it balanced, reduce infections and improve fertility outcomes.


ALL Commensal & Pathogenic Bacteria
These bacteria can cause disease. We screen for ALL bacteria present in the sample. This includes Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, BV, Strep and more. If it's there we screen for it.

Bacteria that can cause imbalance and lead to infections and complications


ALL Yeast & Fungi
All Yeast and fungi species including ALL Candida species and mould like Aspergillus.

Known to be protective in the reproductive tract keeping it balanced, reduce infections and improve fertility outcomes.

Why ScreenMe uses NGS Technology?

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology is the best way to analyse vaginal and seminal microbiomes due to its ability to conduct a comprehensive analysis of complex microbial communities. NGS can identify a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, even in low abundances, which can be significant in many cases. Unlike the conventional PCR method, which screens for a selection of microorganisms, NGS can accurately classify ALL microorganisms at the species or strain level.

Who is this service for?

If you are Planning Pregnancy

A healthy microbiome supports fertility and successful pregnancy. Imbalances may affect conception or increase the risk of complications.

If you have Recurrent Infections

If you experience HPV, or other sexually transmitted infections, your vaginal microbiome can guide treatment.

If you have Unexplained Symptoms

If you have abnormal vaginal discharge color, itchiness, odor, or painful sex, the microbiome can guide targeted treatment.

What do you get with every Test Kit?

Your comprehensive Microbiome Test results will be available to you online and will include the following:

Detection of the pathogenic bacteria, cause and symptoms

Identification of all bacteria and yeast with 99.99% accuracy

Personalised and holistic treatment with our team of experts

Clinical Letter

Date of Report: Jan. 15, 2024

To Whom may Be concerned

Your vaginal microbiome results show that your vagina consists of 27.84% lactobacillus (beneficial and protective), 59.37% pathogenic bacteria, and 12.79% commensal and pathobionts. These results put you in the vaginal community state type IV-A. This community state type may indicate a bacterial imbalance in the vaginal microbiome and low levels of the beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria relative to other bacteria present. This community type is at higher risk of harmful bacteria growth, recurrent infections, HPV, STDs, and fertility complications. I recommend you bring these results to the attention of your practitioners in case further investigation is required.

The results show a dominance of Gardnerella vaginalis. Gardnerella vaginalis is one of the primary microbes thought to be responsible for bacterial vaginosis (BV). Usually when your healthy flora is compromised in some way. G. vaginalis produces what is referred to as vaginolysin, a toxin, that only affects humans. G. vaginalis causes BV by displacing the normal healthy vaginal flora.

Based on history discussed in your consultation and the nature of the symptoms I recommend working alongside an intimate practitioner who help and work with you on the long term in identifying the best treatment with all your symptoms in mind.

ScreenMe Expert

Get an Expert-written report explaining your test results and everything you spoke about during your consultation by ScreenMe. You can utilize this piece as a clinical letter for referral purpose, if necessary.

Why ScreenMe Vaginal Test?

We do a full NGS vaginal test!

NGS testing is the gold-standard microbiome testing available. This allows us to screen 100% of bacteria present with 99.9% accuracy, making it the most effective and comprehensive service on the market.

NGS also allows us to determine the relative amount (%) of every species present; something that other testing methods, including PCR and swab-culture, again cannot do.

Discover Our Test Packages

What the Vaginal Microbiome health test includes:

Vaginal Microbiome Test  
100% Bacteria & Yeast test

Vaginal Microbiome Test
Yeast 100%

Vaginal Microbiome Test
100% Bacteria

All Lactobacillus Bacteria Species

Pathogenic and Commensal bacteria

All Yeast species

Free 1:1 Consultation


Vaginal Microbiome Test 
100% Bacteria & Yeast test

All Lactobacillus Bacteria Species

Pathogenic & Commensal bacteria

All Yeast species


Free 1:1 Consultation



Vaginal Microbiome Test
Yeast 100%

All Lactobacillus Bacteria Species

Pathogenic & Commensal bacteria

All Yeast species


Free 1:1 Consultation



Vaginal Microbiome Test
100% Bacteria

All Lactobacillus Bacteria Species

Pathogenic & Commensal bacteria

All Yeast species


Free 1:1 Consultation



Your Questions, Answered.

If you have a question that isn’t answered in our FAQs then please let us know.

Our market leading kits offer detailed insights into your health. 

ALL the tests here at ScreenMe use next-generation sequencing (NGS) to analyse your sample and detect ALL bacterial and yeast species present, including:

–            ALL Beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus)

–            ALL Harmless bacteria (Commensal)

–            ALL Disease-causing bacteria (Pathogenic)

–            ALL Bacteria that are problematic if they overgrow (Pathobiont)

Including Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, Strep and BV and more!

ALL ScreenMe at home testing kits have been carefully designed for your convenience to provide an easy to use and non-invasive sample collection technique. 

The kits easily slip through any post/mailbox and include easy-to-understand instructions specific to the test e.g. Vaginal, Seminal and ALL the others, so ANYONE can test themselves.

Yes, you can purchase a range of microbiome tests to keep on top of your progress and track any changes in your health. 

A FREE consultation will always be provided with repeat purchases along with the choice of keeping or switching any previous ScreenMe specialists assigned to you.

No. ScreenMe tests are not diagnostic and are not intended to replace advice from your GP or clinician

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